Type “finding time to blog” in Google and you’ll get more than 19 billion results. It’s something we often discuss with our clients – blogging is great, but requires a great deal of time. And as I sat down to write this post, it had been nearly one month since we posted our last agency post.
Any great blogger will tell you that consistency is right up there with substantial content as the main characteristics of a successful blog, so I thought today would be a good time to round up some of the top tips for finding time to blog.
Stephanie Chandler at BusinessInfoGuide.com suggests that you schedule the time in your calendar and commit to writing just two blog posts per week.
Rohit Bhargava of Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide shares his tips, including setting a realistic target, collecting ideas to eliminate time staring at a blank page and composing the post in your head. Keep reading here for more of his tips.
Robert Dempsey of Dempsey Marketing keeps it simple – know what you want to write about, put a high priority on writing and do it.
Kelly Clay at LockerGnome emphasizes allowing your self time to capture ideas and think through blog posts rather than starting out cold.
This are all great tips, but if you have more, please feel free to share in the comments below. Now I’m off to write, or at least think about my next blog post!